Sr. No | Name of Students | SGPA |
1. | Miss Bhagyashree Shalesha | 10.00 |
2. | Mr Sham B Gadhave | 10.00 |

For admission enquiry contact - Prof. Swapnil Kudke - 9975137181 Prof. P. R. Khillare - 9850770402
The Department was established in 1993 with change in nomenclature from Industrial Electronics to Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering during 2005 with an intake capacity of 60 students. The Department emphasis on teaching UHF and Microwave Engineering, Circuit Design & Simulation, Computer Networking, Optical fibre Communication & Embedded system. The Department has qualified and experienced faculty with technically sound supporting staff. Department conducts various training programs, workshops, guest lectures and technical events for UG students like Digital Image Processing, Fuzzy logic and Neural Network, VLSI technology and other emerging areas to help the students to improve their knowledge and develop leadership skill. The Department has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Industries like Institute of Satellite Telecommunication (ISAT, Pune), SPJ Embedded Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune & xtreme solutions, Pune. Many faculty members of the Department are Life Members of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (IETE) and The Institution of Engineers (IEI). The student forum of the Department is Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Student’s Association (EESA).Industrial visits for students are organized on regular basis.
The students are encouraged to carry out innovative projects, sponsored projects & to participate in National and International conferences. Many students of the department have been placed in reputed national & Multinational companies like Reliance Communications, Cap Gemini Consulting India Pvt. Ltd.,ADA Cell works, Persistent Systems Pvt. LTD. Electronic engineers have scope for placement in many fields like medical, automobile, modern equipments, communication, government and private companies, Defence, Space and other research organisations, Electronic industries, Process industries, IT companies, Manufacturing, etc
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D(Pursuing), ME(Digital Electronics), B.E. (Industrial Electronics)
E-mail id:
Experience: 21 Years
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: Ph.D, M.E. (Electronics) , B.E. (Industrial Electronics)
E-mail id:
Experience: Teaching: 25 Years, Industry: 03 Years
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: B.E. (Industrial Electronics), M.E. (Digital Electronics)
E-mail id:
Experience: Teaching: 15 years Industrial: 03 Years
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.), ME (Digital Electronics)
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Experience: 16 Years
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.)
E-mail id:
Experience: 04 Years
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.)
E-mail id:
Experience: 04 Years
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E (Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.), ME
E-mail id:
Experience: 04 years
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.)
E-mail id:
Experience: 03 years
1) To provide basic knowledge of Electronics Devices.
2) To learn various applications circuitry of Electronics devices.
The lab is well equipped and furnished with following equipments: C.R.O (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope), oscillator kits like: Hartley oscillator, colpitts oscillator, RC phase shift oscillator etc. Half wave, Full wave rectifier kit, DC regulated power supply, Function generator, LCR meter, Class A, Class B, Class C, Class AB amplifier kits etc.
The students from Electronics, Information Technology and Computer science & Engineering departments will get practical exposure to the various electronics circuits.
The total cost of equipments in the lab is around Rs.3, 21,446 /- .
1) To provide elementary knowledge of communication engineering, digital communication and microwave engineering.
2) To understand and learn various microwave components.
The lab is well equipped and furnished. The lab consists of AM and FM transmitter and receiver kits; various modulation and demodulation trainer kits along with digital storage oscilloscope. RF signals generator and audio frequency generator is also provided with 3 band radio receivers so that student can learn about RF signal transmission and reception with practical approach.
Microwave test bench assembly is provided along with Gunn and Klystron power supply with all microwave components so that their basic principle of operation can be verified well with more practical approach.
The total cost of equipments in the lab is around Rs.7,54,244 /-
1) To provide basic knowledge of Digital Integrated Circuit, Design of digital Encoders / Decoder and Multiplexer.
2) To understand and learn various Digital IC’s.
The lab is well equipped and furnished. The lab consists of simple Bread Boards, Digital Bread Boards and Function Generators; various gates IC’s, Decoder/Encoder/Mux and voltage regulator IC’S along with IC Tester. CRO for trace the waveforms of various circuits. So that student can understand the practical approach.
The total cost of equipments in the lab is around Rs.2,71,201 /-
1) To provide basic knowledge of Electronics Workshop and PCB design.
2) To learn various Electronics Workshop components.
The lab is well equipped and furnished. The lab consists of etching machine for PCG design, photo dip coating machine, PCB drilling machine, PCB camera and transformer winding machine hand held. Aplab 30 MHz CRO for measurement of electronics workshop practical output, function generator, R-Tech power supply, cables and connectors, so that student can learn about how to design PCB, how to drill it and how to mount the components on PCB with practical approach.
The total cost of equipments in the lab is around Rs.3,20,248 /-
1) To provide elementary knowledge of microprocessor, computers & microcontroller.
2) To understand the fundamental and assembly programming language of 8085 and 8086 microprocessor.
3) To explore various software’s like MatLab, Neurosolution, Orcad/Pspice, VHDL etc.
Total 16 P-IV PCs connected with network. All types of microprocessor kits, training CDs, Software like C++, Neurosolution, Orcad/Pspice , Active VHDL with Simply Pro, Matlab 7.0 with all toolboxes and other software with 24 hour internet / intranet facility.
The Lab has well equipped advanced and furnished equipments to meet the state of art. Keeping track of the technology and to strike a balance between theory and practical applications the most modern equipments and software’s are made available.
The total cost of equipments in the lab is around 12, 00,175 /- Rs.
1) To provide basic knowledge of Power Electronics & instrumentation
2) To learn various Instruments & Power Kits operation & application.
The lab is well equipped and furnished. The lab consists of Aplab 30 MHz CRO for measurement of electronics Power practical output, R-Tech Power Supplies, Aplab Power Supplies, Matrix Power kits, Hem Electronics Instrumentation Kits, ET Thyset Power Kits, Power Electronics Board Kits, PH measurement Equipment, DC & AC Motors, Induction Motors, Three Phase Auto Transformer, Dielectric & Induction Heating Equipment with practical based approach.
The total cost of equipments in the lab is around Rs.6, 34,572 /-
Sarsande Sagar Rohidas
CGPA- 8.43
Rank- 1st
Mobile Number- 9067427229
Kshirsagar Harish Shankarrao
CGPA- 7.93
Rank- 2nd
Mobile Number- 8237475321
Ganesh Samadhan Jaybhaye
CGPA- 9.06
Rank- 1st
Mobile Number- 7517090957
Mohini Mohan Karle
CGPA- 8.98
Rank- 2nd
Mobile Number- 9322714041/ 9359614637
Sayali Sunil Joshi
CGPA- 8.98
Rank- 2nd
Mobile Number- 7499979637
Sr. No | Name of Students | SGPA |
1. | Miss Bhagyashree Shalesha | 10.00 |
2. | Mr Sham B Gadhave | 10.00 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | SGPA |
1. | Mr. Limbaji Santosh Mujmule | 8.84 |
2. | Mr. Shrikrushna Chhagan Mhaske | 8.59 |
3. | Mr. Vikas Nandkishor Theng | 8.72 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | SGPA |
1. | Ku. Pooja Sanjay Chopade | 9.03 |
2. | Ku. Aparna Sambhaji Deshmukh | 8.63 |
3. | Ku. Ankita Nivrutti Bombatkar | 8.63 |
spaeaker: Mr. Ishwar Patil
Topic :- Drone Technology in Agriculture
Date:- 09/01/2023
Speaker Details:- Mr. Ishwar Patil, An Experienced drone pilot, conduct, comprehensive demonstration of drones working and functionality during the workshop
spaeaker: Dr.Chandrakant
Topic :- Technical talk on AI
Date:- 10/18/2023
Alumni, Dr.Chandrakant Bothe,Chief AI Tech Officer/CO-Founder,Foviatech GmbH,Hamburg , Germany
spaeaker: Mr. Vijay Raut
Topic :- IoT with Raspberry Pi
Date:- 11/7/2023
Mr. Vijay Raut, Technical Architech TCS Research and innovation, TCS,Pune
spaeaker: Mr. Satish
Topic :- Full stack Development and Embedded System Development
Date:- 12/21/2023
Mr.Satish G. ,Academia Manager at Vector Technologies, Bengaluru
spaeaker: Mr. Jatin Patel
Topic :- Motivational talk alumni interaction
Date:- 12/22/2023
Mr.Jatin Patel, Business person, chicago, USA alumni of Electronics and telecomm. Engg. Dept.
spaeaker: Mr. Dhiraj Agrawal
Topic :- Current job, Market job opportunity Skills required and Resume writing
Date:- 02/02/2024
Mr. Dhiraj Agrawal,Training and placement Officer ,D.Y.Patil University, Pimpri, Pune
spaeaker: Mr. Rohan Saoji
Topic :- Energy Resources Conservation Environment supportive life style
Date:- 03/17/2021
Mr. Rohan Saoji, CEO of Saoji Total Solutions
spaeaker: Mr. Swapnil D. Pundkar (UPSC-2015, Rank- IPS)
Topic :- Career Guidance
Date:- 25/08/2015
Speaker :- Mr. Ishant Kute
(Embedded Gallery Electronics Service Pune)
Topic :- Swarm Robotics
Date:- 14/08/2015
Speaker :- Mr. Anil Tatode (Prolific System,Nagpur)
Topic :- Introduction of actual platform / equipment used in industry
Date:- 01/08/2015
Speaker :- Mr. K. H. Walse (AEC, Chikhli)
Topic :- Networking
Date:- 01/04/2015
Speaker :- Mr. Sachin Suroshe (Embedded Gallery, Pune)
Topic :- Embedded Workshop
Date:- 27/08/2014
Speaker :- Mr. Anil Tatode (Prolific System,Nagpur)
Topic :- Latest Trend in Automation
Date:- 11/02/2014
Speaker :- Dr. V.R.Yadav
Topic :- Inauguration of GATE FORUM
Date:- 13/08/2013
Year | Name of Students | Contact No. | Email id | Post | Company | Package |
2019-20 | Kunal Raju Patilpaik | 7020249221 | patilpaikkunal94@gmail | Graduate Trainee Engineer | Nokia E-DAC Banglore | 6.3LPA |
2019-20 | Sagar Waluba Telangre | 7756940443 | | Engineer | Yash technology Pune | 8.7LPA |
2019-20 | Tausif Bholukha | 7507754974 | | Graduate Engineer Trainee | Nokia Networks and Solution Pvt Ltd., Banglore | 9.6LPA |
2018-19 | Vaishnavi G. Nagpure | 9561639127 | | Trainee Software Engineer | Capgemini Pune | 4.0 LPA |
2018-19 | Manoj Maroti Girhe | 9921077836 | | IoT design | Mitra Agro Nashik | 3.6 LPA |
2018-19 | Poonam Gajanan Nanote | 8275063341 | | System Engineer | Infosys Pune | 3.6 LPA |
2017-18 | Ku. Dipali Sunil Kale | 9767614703 | | Calsoft Pvt. Ltd. | Software Tresting Engg. | 4.3 LPA |