Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Komal Annasaheb Walekar | 495 | 8.3 |
2. | Gayatri Krushna Patil | 489 | 8.0 |
3. | Prachi Shrikruhna Dhokane | 475 | 7.8 |
4. | Tanvi Avinash Kapse | 478 | 7.6 |
5. | Vaishnavi Nivrutti Ingole | 468 | 7.55 |

For admission enquiry contact - Prof. Swapnil Kudke - 9975137181 Prof. P. R. Khillare - 9850770402
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established in 1993. It imparts the modern and evolving computer education to its students. The department has expertise available in Turbo C, C++, .net, Oracle 10i, Java , Visual Basics, Advance Java, etc. The department is aware and updated about the growing market and current need in software Industry. To meet such demands, the department is conducting special courses in Oracle 10i, C++, Java, Linux, soft skill, technical skill and others. The self-motivated team of faculty members is always ready for update of laboratories and for solving all academic level doubts of students.
The Department is having professional student’s chapter of Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).The Department has always encouraged for OPEN SOURCE (Linux). The department has started new PG course in ME (CSE) from 2014 with intake capacity of 24.
Designation: Head of Department & Associate Professor
Qualification: Ph.D, ME, DBM
E-mail id:
Experience: 25 Yrs
Designation: Associate Professsor
Qualification: Ph.D. (CSE), M.E. (CSE), B.E. (CSE)
E-mail id:
Experience: 18.6 Yrs (UGC Approved)
Designation: Adjunct Faculty
Qualification: Ph.D, M.E. (Computer Engineering)
E-mail id:
Experience: 31 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E (CSE), M.E. (CSE), Ph.D Pursuing
E-mail id:
Experience: 08 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E
E-mail id:
Experience: 10 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E (CSE), M.E. (CSE)
E-mail id:
Experience: 01 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MTech (CSE), BE (CSE)
E-mail id:
Experience: 2 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: ME (CSE), BE (IT)
E-mail id:
Experience: 06 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MBA (Marketing), ME (CE), BE (CSE) MAHA-SET
E-mail id:
Experience: 03 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: ME (Appeared), BE (CSE)
E-mail id:
Experience: 01 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: BE (CSE)
E-mail id:
Experience: 01 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.E (CSE)
E-mail id:
Experience: 01 Yrs
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: BE (CSE)
E-mail id:
Experience: 01 Yrs
The department has following well developed laboratories with advance computer systems.
Central Lab A & B This labs is equipped with advanced 50 computers having i3 core processor, 500 GB HDD ,4GB RAM , Wi-Fi enabled on Linux Environment . In this lab following practicals are conducted like,STLD, DS,CP,ALP,DAA.
This labs is equipped with advanced 20 computers having core 2 Duo processor, 500 GB HDD ,2GB RAM. In this lab following practicals are conducted like Artificial Intelligence LAB,OOAD, C-Skills Lab & C-LAB II
This lab is equipped with advanced 20 computers having P4 Processor. In this lab following practicals are conducted like Computer Programming, DBS, C LAB I, PM.
This lab is equipped with advanced 32 computers having inter net facility for doing different research projects. In this lab following practicals are conducted like DSP, OS, OOPS.
The department has well equipped laboratory for studying details of architectures of various generation of computers, microprocessors, and designing logic circuitries. Hands on practice are given to the students for hardware maintenance, fault finding and removal of faults in the computers, printers and interfacing circuits. Digital Signal processing laboratory is also available for studying the various signals, its transforms and systems. Various training kits and software are available. Advance microprocessor laboratory is designed to study various architecture of microprocessors, assembly language programming and interfacing of circuits. In this Lab C-LAB (Hardware LAB) & Embedded Systems LABS Practicals are conducted.
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Komal Annasaheb Walekar | 495 | 8.3 |
2. | Gayatri Krushna Patil | 489 | 8.0 |
3. | Prachi Shrikruhna Dhokane | 475 | 7.8 |
4. | Tanvi Avinash Kapse | 478 | 7.6 |
5. | Vaishnavi Nivrutti Ingole | 468 | 7.55 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Kalpana Kautikrao Sable | 526 | 8.55 |
2. | Kumudini Satish Tathod | 511 | 8.25 |
3. | Dnyaneshwari Pravin Garole | 505 | 8.20 |
4. | Achal Sunil Padol | 494 | 8.15 |
5. | Laxmi Keshav Khillare | 493 | 8.00 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Vaishnavi Dattatray Bathe | 553 | 9.3 |
2. | Shubham Santosh Musale | 538 | 9.17 |
3. | Vaishnavi Raju Nanote | 534 | 9 |
4. | Anushka Baban Sarkate | 494 | 8.15 |
5. | Laxmi Keshav Khillare | 515 | 8.91 |
6. | Gauri Mahadev Kawade | 534 | 8.87 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Nikita Rohidas Patil | 561 | 8.18 |
2. | Laxmi Keshav Khillare | 544 | 7.82 |
3. | Akanksha Sanjay Tayde | 524 | 7.27 |
4. | Kumudini Satish Tathod | 511 | 7.27 |
5. | Dnyaneshwari Pravin Garole | 510 | 7.27 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Achal Manoharrao Chavan | 555 | 9.05 |
2. | Akanksha Arvind Dhage | 513 | 8.35 |
3. | Gauri Mahadev Kawade | 512 | 8.25 |
4. | Rutuja Subhash Kharche | 494 | 8.25 |
5. | Ashwini Vitthal Salunke | 487 | 7.95 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Yogesh Santosh Kharat | 571 | 9.35 |
2. | Divya Sanjay Disale | 542 | 9.14 |
3. | Ashwini Madhavrao Ambhore | 534 | 8.77 |
4. | Sakshi Bhalchandra Pandey | 520 | 8.70 |
5. | Rahul Gajanan Bhusari | 494 | 8.63 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Nikita Rohidas Patil | 511 | 8.5 |
2. | Kalpana Kautikrao Sable | 459 | 7.0 |
3. | Sargar Samadhan Balu | 457 | 7.0 |
4. | Vaishnavi Haridas Jingar | 555 | 6.85 |
5. | Ajeetesh Gajanan Gorule | 447 | 6.85 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Achal Manoharrao Chavan | 521 | 8.3 |
2. | Akanksha Aravind Dhage | 409 | 8.2 |
3. | Gauri Mahadev Kawade | 486 | 7.9 |
4. | Rutuja Gajanan Malekar | 489 | 7.85 |
5. | Ankita Sunil Sharma | 473 | 7.7 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | Marks obtained | SGPA |
1. | Yogesh Santosh Kharat | 543 | 9.04 |
2. | Divya Sanjay Disale | 435 | 8.91 |
3. | Sakshi Bhalchandra Pandey | 500 | 8.44 |
4. | Manasi Ajay Khedekar | 503 | 8.22 |
5. | Shreya Satish Joshi | 496 | 8.22 |
Sr. No | Name of Students | CGPA |
1. | Ku. Renuka Ashok Kothari | 8.84 |
2. | Ku.Dipali Keshav Kharat | 8.59 |
3. | Ku.Bhavna Sham Mitkari | 8.56 |
Topic: Learn Cyber Security & Data Science from Scratch Technical Perspective
Mr. Pranav Bahekar
Founder & CEO
Hackers Academy
Time: May 3, 2024 11:00 AM India
Organized By
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC),
Department of Computer
Science & Engineering
in collaboration with
acm Student Chapter, IEEE Student Chapter
Hackers Academy, Ch. SambhajaiNagar
On May 3rd, 2024.
Dr. A. S. Kapse, the Head of the Department, extended a warm welcome to Speaker Mr. Pranav Bahekar Director of Hackers Accademy.
Dr. A. S. Kapse, the Head of the Department, express about importance of Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking etc. and motivate students to how to get job in Cyber Security.
In this workshop Mr. Pranav Bahekar Director of Hackers Accademy explain about basic concept of Ethical Hacking and various Cyber Security concepts and also provide some study material and videos about cyber security and Ethical Hacking. It provides the roadmap to students how to get job in cyber security. And invited him to conduct a one day workshop. More than 70 students from the CSE department participated in the program.
Prof. G. S. Gode – faculty sponser & program coordinator, expressed gratitude in the vote of thanks.
Dr. A. S. Kapse, the Head of the Department, express the brief of the program.
Executive Director Mr. Pranav Bahekar sir, express about importance of Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking & Data Science etc. and motivate students to how to get job in Cyber Security.
More than 70 students from the CSE department participated in the program.
Topic: *Project Preparation & Report Writing With Technical Perspective*
Mr. Ravi Kiran Rajbhure
Director &Business Coach
DPARK Software Solution and Consultancy
Time: *Nov 7, 2023 11:00 AM India*
Organized By
*In Association ACM Student Chapter, In Collaboration
with D-Park Software
Solutions & Consultancy &
Department of Computer Science &
One day workshop on *Project Preparation and Report Writing with Technical Perspective* Organized By *In Association ACM Student Chapter, In Collaboration with D-Park Software Solutions & Consultancy & Department of Computer Science & Engineering* On November 7th, 2023.
Dr. Arun Nanhai, the Hon’ble Principal, extended a warm welcome to Hon’ble Executive Director Dr. Ravindra Ingle sir & Guest & Speaker Mr. Ravikiran Rajbhure Director D-Park software Solutions and Consultancy.
Dr. A. S. Kapse, the Head of the Department, express the brief of the program.
Dr. Arun Nanhai, the Hon’ble Principal, express about importance of various workshop, seminar and conference etc. and motivate students to participate in Reasearch and development activities.
Executive Director Dr. Ravindra Ingle sir, express about importance of ACM student Chapter activities and motivate students to participate in technical activities etc.Also congratulated the ACM student chapter members.
In this workshop Mr. Ravikiran Rajbhure, Director D-Park software Solutions and Consultancy explain about basics of Project, Project Planning, SDLC phases and how to write technical project report. And invited him to conduct a oneweek workshop. More than 150 students from the CSE department participated in the program. Prof. S. S. Bharad, ACM Student Chapter members Mr. Anil Ghodke – Chair, Ms Vaishnavi Jingar – Vice chiar, Mr. Tejas Palkar- Secretary, Mr. Kartik Bakal- Treasurer, Mr. Rahul Vaidya- Web Master, Ms. Tanvi Kapse – Member, Ms. Nikita Patil – Member, Ms. Vaishnavi Tale – Member, Mr. Om Dhanve, Mr. Vaibhav Kale and Mr. Tejas Dhanve cooperated to make this workshop sucessful.
Ms. Pallavi Devare and Ms. Akansha Dhage anchored program at last Prof. M. A. Patil – faculty sponser & program coordinator, expressed gratitude in the vote of thanks.
Dr. Arun Nanhai, the Hon’ble Principal, extended a warm welcome to Hon’ble Executive Director Dr. Ravindra Ingle sir & Guest & Speaker Mr. Ravikiran Rajbhure Director D-Park software Solutions and Consultancy.
Dr. A. S. Kapse, the Head of the Department, express the brief of the program.
Dr Arun Nanhai, the Hon’ble Principal, express about importance of various workshop, seminar and conference etc. and motivate students to participate in Reasearch and development activities.
Executive Director Dr. Ravindra Ingle sir, express about importance of ACM student Chapter activities and motivate students to participate in technical activities etc. Also congratulated the ACM student chapter members.
In this workshop Mr. Ravikiran Rajbhure, Director D-Park software Solutions and Consultancy explain about basics of Project, Project Planning, SDLC phases and how to write technical project report.
At last Prof. M. A. Patil – faculty sponser & program coordinator, expressed gratitude in the vote of thanks.
More than 150 students from the CSE department participated in the program.
Mr. Kapil Hande
M.A. English , LLb, MSW, Cyber Law
API Dhule
1. Guest Lecture conducted on 27th August, 2015 “An intellectual talk on MPSC and UPSC” By Mr. Kapil Hande.
2. Teacher’s day celebration on 5th September, 2015.
3. Engineer’s day celebration on 15th September 2015.
4. Departmental Aptitude Test conduction for second and third year students.
5. GATE practice session conduction for Final year students.
Guest Lecture by Dr. V.M.Thakre , Dr. S.S.Sherekar on "Cloud Computing and Network Security". Dr. V.M. Thakare has delivered lecture on "Cloud computing" and Dr. S. S. Sherekar has delivered lecture on "Network Security".
Om Sanjay Dhanave
Yogita Nagaraw Ubarahande
Achal Manohar Chavan
Akanksha Arvind Dhage
Gouri Mahadev Kawade
Sr. No. | Name of Alumni | Designation | Company |
1. | Chandrashekhar Trivedi | Asst. Project Manager. | 13th street MIDC Marol Andheri |
2. | Santosh Rathi | Senior S/W Eng | HSBC Pune |
3. | Ashutosh Vyas | Senior S/W Eng | Tata Elxsi AECS Layout Kundanhalli Banglore |
4. | Sriperumbuduru Kandala | Tehcnial Leader | Valtech Software |
5. | Dilmohan Kumar | Programmer | Fidelity Investments,Embassy Golf Links Banglore |
6. | Pimple Vaishali Ashok | Architecuure | Sai home construction Chikhli |
7. | Prasad Choudhari | Programmer | Nettune Tech.Pune |
8. | Sachin Lokhande | Associate Consultant | Capgemeni,Vikhroli |
9. | Shanshikant Athawale | asst.programmmer | Kanbay |
10. | Vanashreee Vijay Agrawal | RRSSC,ISRO,Nagpur | Shankar Nagar,Amravati Road Nagpur |
11. | Arpan kolte | Information Security Tools Specialist | IBM India Pvt. LTD. |
12. | Vivek Patole | Software Engineer | IBM India Pvt Ltd |
13. | TAYADE ANUP ASHOK | Team leader | Software Quality System.,Pune |
14. | Devedra Mahesh Tale | Team Leader | Faragi E Consulting, Pune |
15. | Dhiraj Sudhakar Gulhane | Sr. Developer | Tata Technology, Pune |
16. | Dynaneshwar Himmatrao Kukade | Project Leader | Tech M,Pune |
17. | Shivaji Parshuram Sable | Software Tester | Neilsoft Pune |
19. | Akshay Nitin Joshi | S/W Developer | AMDOCS,PUNE |
Final Year CSE 2022-23 SGBAU colour coat in Fencing Pranali prakash Wadurkar
SGBAU, Amaravati S-23 Examination
Yogesh S. Kharat
CGPA 9.70
University 10th Merit
Kalpana Kautikrao Sable (3rd year CSE)(2023-24)
National level winner in running 400 m and also 800 m at Ujjain on date 10 Feb.2024.
Rutuja Dukre form 3rd yr cse is attended in Yuva Sangam Phase 3, through NSS.
Prof. M. A. Patil (Best Teacher Award 2023-24)
Heartiest Congratulations to Mr.Vikas Govind Chavan 5th University Rank Holder in department in Summer-2017 Final Year Examination.