For admission enquiry contact - Prof. Swapnil Kudke - 9975137181 Prof. P. R. Khillare - 9850770402
Hon.Shri Rahulbhau Bondre
Chairman of PRMSS
Dear Students,
The Anuradha Engineering College since its inception, is striving hard to make its students responsible citizens of India. We believe that the students from rural areas have tremendous potential in terms of creativity and out-of-box thinking. However, they lack in some of the areas, viz. communication skills and interpersonal relationship. Being the window of knowledge, we proudly focus on these needs of students. Ours are systematic efforts to impart modern knowledge along with the sense of humanity. The campus of Anuradha Nagar is a campus of educational ambience which houses the esteemed Anuradha College of Pharmacy, Anuradha Polytechnic, Anuradha Nursing School, Mungsaji Maharaj Co-operative Spinning Mills Ltd, and Anuradha English Medium School as our sister concerns. The Carnivals, the sports meets and other activities keep the academic year bubbling with enthusiasm. And yes, the regular classes by highly qualified and well trained staff is a salient feature. The Anuradha Engineering College provides helpful guidelines and techniques for all round development of students to face the challenges in this competitive world, showing them the winning ways of success. We are open to suggestions from any segment of the society because we believe in the notion ‘let noble thoughts come to us from every side’.
With Warm regards
Hon.Shri Rahulbhau Bondre
Chairman PRMSS