For admission enquiry contact - Prof. Swapnil Kudke - 9975137181 Prof. P. R. Khillare - 9850770402
The Library is the heart of every academic institution. In the era of information technology, library plays a vital role in disseminating the valuable information at the right time to the right user.
The Library has rich collection of text books, reference books, journals of national and international repute, and more than 450 full text ejournals through J-Gate online service. It has a separate and spacious reading hall which can accommodate 170 library users at a time. The college has its own book bank which is extended to help meritorious and students from economically weak section. Under this scheme, the students are provided books for their use throughout the year.
Apart from this, a Central and State Government sponsored book bank scheme is also available to the students belonging to reserved category. The Library operates on multi-user library management software.
The highlights of the system are Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), Article Index, Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) and barcode based circulation system. All these utilities provide access to highly selective collections of printed and e-learning materials for engineering and other related disciplines. The college is a member of DELNET (Developing Library Network) and it promotes the resource sharing among the libraries through the development of network of libraries. It gives access to more than 35 lacs records of books, periodicals, articles, CD-ROMs, sound recording, video recording, theses and dissertations etc.